2024-09-12 19:46


This is Danny, I talk about tech and cars. Today, our focus is on electric cars, but I'm not the speaker, let's have a Cambridge graduate from the EV circle... Emma.


I‘ve been a loyal Tesla owner for a while, and I guess nobody knows the disadvantages of the EV more than owners like me. The EV is of high price but short battery life. And the battery itself depreciates as fast as that of my phone. It costs a lot to buy a car but has littel added value.



There're so many problems of the EV, but why the government offers all kinds of subsidies to support the development of the EV? Is it really a stupid and money-wasting policy?


我是DannyData的Emma, 今天开启耿直boy模式,看破也说破政府扶持电动车背后的隐藏逻辑!

I'm Emma from DannyData. Today I'll talk straight about the hidden logic behind government support for electric vehicles!



Every country likes to talk about "environmental protection" when it comes to supporting electric vehicles. But I'm afraid that only a country like Norway, which is rich enough but has no local auto industry, can embrace the environment more simply.


对于中、美、德国这种工业大国来说,政府支持电动车的逻辑,才不会too young too simple。

For industrial powers like China, the US and Germany, the logic of government support for electric cars is not "too young too simple".



There are three main motives behind all of these government efforts to support electric vehicles: big shift in economic risk, fierce industry competition, and efficient energy use.



Let's talk about shifting economic risk first.


Five aspects are often involved when evaluating a country's strength. They are politics, economy, science and technology, military and culture. Among them, economic strength is the basis of everything.


造成经济增长放缓的因素很多,其中一个重磅原因,就是 ?“可利用能源的体量”。

There are many factors that contribute to the slowdown in economic growth, and one that weighs heavily is the volume of available energy.



Repeat: the volume of available energy.



Take a look at the data and you'll see: energy is extremely important for GDP!


It is obvious from this model that the volume of available energy is consistent with the annual growth trend of world GDP. That's why economists propose that GDP and the available energy, are proportional. The more energy available, the more GDP will be generated.



Why is it that small countries like Saudi Arabia and Norway, having no industry, can be super-duper rich? It's because they have mines and lots of energy.


在石油问题上,这个趋势更加明显。石油是最重要的能源之一。世界上98%的运输系统,都依赖石油。我们可以看到,石油和GDP的增减趋势,是非常同步的。可用石油体量,直接影响着GDP, 影响着世界经济。

In the case of oil, this trend is even more pronounced. Oil is one of the most important energy sources. 98% of the world's transportation system depends on oil. We can see that oil and GDP are increasing and decreasing in a very synchronized fashion. The volume of available oil has a direct impact on GDP and on the world economy.



When there's a huge change in the oil supply chain, the economy must be affected.



Therefore, the most crucial contribution of electric cars is not environmental protection, but it helps us decrease the dependence of the world economy on?oil supply.


The motivation behind the Chinese government's support in EV since 2010 is to decrease the potential impact of the oil market on the Chinese economy. Put our eggs in different baskets.



Maybe you will ask, cars must not be the only sources that use new energy; there are many new energy cars besides electric cars. Why does the government focusing on supporting electric cars?


That brings us to our second point: industry trends.



As a female, I've investigated my time in the car industry. There are two main rules:


1) only a few produce the?car, while everyone?else pays for it.


2) The car industry is very important to every country because it is the only industry that maintains a high price and a high demand national wide. It not only drives businesses from upstream and downstream but also can increase taxations and employment rate. Moreover, it can even bring quality of GDP and technology to the next level. Aren't electric cars fantastic? So all large strong countries want?to become world leaders in the car industry.



When the government supports electric cars, it considers the whole industry and ecosystem.


说到这,也来聊下中国汽车与经济的发展史: 当我们驱逐了八国联军,再经历内战之后,经济和科技基础是相当薄弱的。

Speaking of which, let's talk about the history and transformation of Chinese economic and car industry. After?expelling?the Eight-Power Allied and going through the Civil War, the economic and technological foundation?of China?was pretty weak.



When modern China founded in 1949, the first product of consumer transportation is not the car?but the bicycle.



The whole country finally started driving private cars in the 80s, but that is 100 years from when the first Bench is invented. Therefore, we must admit that we are really behind in the car industry. Even it Einstein, we can't compare his knowledge to high school kids when he is only three years old.



Since then for the next 40 years, the Chinese car industry has been working hard investigating to catch up with other large car production countries.



Now that we have our own brand and factories. We can make our own cars and own technology. But comparing to Germany, America, and Japan, we are still quite behind. This is all due to the fact that we begin too late!


There is no way to overtake without changing the track.



At this time, an exciting turn in this situation came! The technological transformation from gasoline vehicles to new energy vehicles has given China a chance to catch up once every 100 years. In the window phase of technology switching, we have always been good at overtaking in corners. What we did on high-speed rail and the Internet are the best examples to prove it.



Whether it is China's window phase for conversion from the ordinary railway to high-speed rail, or switching from PC Internet to mobile Internet, we have leveraged the considerable market size to leverage the outbreak of the relevant industrial chain and perfectly achieve overtaking in corners.



For the automotive industry, China wants to do this again. By switching tracks and supporting vehicle brands. They planned a miracle similar to the mobile Internet industry.



That also brings us to the third point I want to share with you.


Why should the government focus on electric vehicles instead of other new energy vehicle technologies?? ? ? ?


Due to different interest considerations, it is difficult for China, the United States, and Europe to reach consensus on many issues. On the topic of electric vehicles, all parties' positions are synchronized: everyone wants to develop electric vehicles.


中国从2010年起, 就大力推电动汽车了,给出过单辆车近10万元的补贴,北上广还打出了绿牌扶持这张王炸。

Since 2010, China has vigorously promoted electric vehicles and has given a subsidy about 100,000 RMB per vehicle. Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou also issued green plates to support this Joker Bomb.



In Europe, the white-left countries Norway and Denmark, have announced that they banned the sale of all traditional fuel vehicles in 2025. California, which is a more modern state in the United States, is also preparing to do that in 2030.


Why are pure electric vehicles most popular with the government rather than hybrid vehicles included in new energy vehicles?



There are two main reasons behind it.


First, from the energy perspective, many countries lack oil but not electricity.


比如我们中国就拥有规模庞大的煤炭,可以通过火电厂转化为电能。另外,中国的水电、风电、和核电量也是全球Number 1。

For example, China has huge reserves of coal, which can be converted into electrical energy through thermal power stations. In addition, China's hydropower, wind and nuclear power production is the global top one respectively.



The current situation of more electricity and inadequate oil makes the government turn to the reform on the demand side to match advantages of our supply side. Is there anything on the demand side that can greatly reduce the consumption of oil and increase the consumption of electricity? Obviously, the best answer is not the hybrid car but the electric car.



There is another underlying reason why China, the US and Germany promote the development of pure electric vehicles —— Japanese car companies.



The hybrid car is considered by many people as a transitional technology from fuel cars to pure electric cars. Toyota started commercializing this technology as early as 1997. The accumulation of technology over the years contributes to mature hybrid technology and attractive prices for Japanese car companies. The hybrid version of the new Toyota Levin, launched in China in 2019, costs only 11,000 yuan more than the fuel version. No wonder why more and more people are willing to buy this kind of low-fuel-consumption product.



In strategic competition, we must oppose everything proposed by the enemy.



This is especially true to the automotive industry, which requires large investment and has a long industrial chain. Because one step ahead, every subsequent step is easier to lead.


Japan's car company has been working on hybrid technology deeply for more than 20 years, and related patents are almost monopolized by them. Therefore, most Chinese, American and German car companies have wisely keep away from the hybrid vehicles market where Japanese have advantages in and directly aimed at the pure electric vehicles market. The three parties collaborate on this idea immediately, jointly open up the electric market, isolate the Japanese hybrid technology and make Japanese team jealous.


Finally, let's make a summary of why is the Chinese government still supporting the development of electric vehicles despite all the complaints about the products.?


First, China needs to reduce its dependence on petroleum to shift economic risks;



Second, the automobile industry is very important to the country, and the electric vehicle represents an excellent opportunity for China to overtake other countries;



In addition, China's status quo of more electricity and less petroleum forces the government to view electric vehicles as one of the key targets for?support.



Although I love electric cars very much, I can’t deny that the battery life and stability of electric cars are still incomparable with fuel cars despite their outstanding performance highlights. As such, the overall product attractiveness of EVs is limited. It’s true that the government's support promotes the rapid development of electric vehicles from 0 to 1, but once the policy is weaned, can they actually survive?



In the future, the key technology that will really affect the automotive industry will be autonomous driving. Plenty of foresighted companies are all making huge investments in the research and development of this technology. These companies include new automobile forces such as Tesla and Nio, Internet giants like Google and Baidu, and traditional automobile giants like GM and Toyota.


For electric vehicles, mastering the "three electrics" technology is only a prerequisite, and the autonomous?driving will?be the real battlefield. Are you interested to hear more about it? Don't forget to click the like button and subscribe to the channel.

我是Emma, 为你深扒科技背后的十万个为什么。我们下回再见。

I’m Emma, I will dig deep into the?"why" of the tech world for you. See you next time.


    以上就是本篇文章【电动汽车槽点多多,政府为毛扶持?【DannyWiki05】】的全部内容了,欢迎阅览 ! 文章地址:http://3jjewl.riyuangf.com/news/8190.html 
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