2024-09-19 14:10

Why are so many Americans unmarried by the age of 35?


Danny Willams
The average 1st Time marriage in The United States is 8.3 years.
The average cost of a marriage in 2022? $35,000
The divorce rate for
1st Time Marriage ~ 50%
2nd Marriages ~ 60%
3rd Marriages ~70%
Men who marry prior to age 25? 90%
Men who marry because they got the woman got pregnant? 90%

第一次婚姻~ 50%
第二次婚姻~ 60%

Of the 50% of 1st time marriages who DON'T get divorce
only 13% report that “They're Happly Married
Of the other 37% They reported they stay married because
Of religious convictions and reasons
What would parents, family, friends, neighbors think or say?
If a man and want more sex? Stay single. If you want less sex, get married.


Jay Bazzinotti
There is a concept in economics known as “Diminishing Marginal Utility”. It seems complicated but it’s really very simple. Imagine for a moment you have no shoes. You are barefoot. What do you do? Why, you go out and get a pair of shoes of course. Right? Isn’t that what you do? And once you have them, how do you FEEL about them? You probably love them and are very satisfied with them, wouldn’t you say? However, it’s impossible to measure satisfaction. Economists use the word “utils” to represent “satisfaction units” to fill in that blank for economic purposes. Because once you have that new pair of shoes and are very happy, what is your incentive to go out and get ANOTHER pair of shoes? Well, maybe you bought work shoes and now you need running shoes. So you go out and get running shoes. And maybe after that you need dress shoes for funerals and weddings and big dates.


But there will come a time when, if you keep buying more shoes, the NEXT pair will no longer provide the same level of satisfaction as the FIRST pair, the pair you really needed, and each additional pair will provide even less satisfaction. The number of “utils” for each ADDITIonAL pair is less than the previous pair and continues to decline until you stop buying shoes. Even women who have 100 pairs of Jimmy Chiu shoes in their closet will find pairs they’ve forgotten about a year later - how many “utils” of satisfaction does a forgotten pair of shoes provide?
That is the concept of diminished marginal utility.


Marriage has become like that. In the old days, “love” was barely a tertiary consideration when marriage was in play. In old New England in the 1600s, if you were a woman with children and your husband died, the last thing you were thinking about was love. You were thinking about feeding and housing those kids because there was no social welfare if your dead husband didn’t provide for you. You were looking at the workhouse or moving to Mt Whoredom to sell your body to buy food and rent for those kids. (In Boston 3/4s of the unmarried women with kids were engaged in prostitution in 1870. In 1700, fully 7 percent of all the women in town were selling their bodies).

婚姻已经变成了这样。在过去,当婚姻出现时,“爱情”几乎不是第三考虑因素。在十七世纪的老新英格兰,如果你是一个有孩子的女人,你的丈夫死了,你最不可能想到的事情就是爱。你在考虑孩子们的食宿问题,因为如果你死去的丈夫不能养活你,那就没有社会福利。你在考虑去济贫院或者搬到Mt Whoredom去卖你的身体,为了给那些孩子们买食物和付租金。(1870年,波士顿有四分之三的未婚妇女带着孩子从事卖淫。1700年,镇上足足有7%的妇女出卖肉体)。

And if you’re a man working the Fairbanks House, you ask the neighbor with four daughters if his daughter can be your servant girl. Everyone knew what that meant. It meant she would come over and cook, clean and do laundry while he was out in the field plowing or making fences or felling trees and that eventually you’d marry and have kids who would take care of you in your dotage. He didn’t ask the neighbor two houses away for his daughter’s hand. He didn’t talk about love. He just needed someone to milk the fucking cows at 4:00Am so he could do the REAL work. And maybe you had a son. When rich Mr. Scillis came by and told you he needed a handyman you’d push that son of yours right over there where he would work from dawn to dusk doing every dirty thing Scillis wanted - and he’d live in his kitchen and eventually marry his daughter and become the heir because, you know, women couldn’t control money and property then. Love had very little to do with it. Maybe those people came to love their partners: based on my readings they did, but it started with a blind date based on need for work, not for love.


Today, why do people NEED to get married? The only REAL reason anymore is “love” which people are realizing is a pretty bullshit concept anyway. Almost half the people who get married for love get divorced anyway. So love is not enough.
In addition, while in the “old days” people were getting married and starting families at 15 and 16 years of age (imagine a 16 year old boy today desperately plowing a field by hand so his young wife could eat in January. I bet you can’t imagine it.), nowadays that age goes up and up and up because THERE IS NO REAL NEED TO GET MARRIED.


People are not so different now. In those days, they wanted to get laid. Both men AND women were aware of their urges; they knew was sex was all about and they didn’t have two centuries of negative thinking telling them it was always “bad”; but they DID have a strict church, that they believed in with all their heart, telling them that you needed to be married to have acceptable sex. In those days, the engagement ring was a trade for sex; if a man took a girl’s virginity and didn’t marry her, at least she’d have something of value to make up for her lost honor. They paid for sex on the installment plan. So they had sex and then they got married and had sex, and then later fucked the milk maid or the handyman as needed. Today, sex is pretty easy to come by. You don’t need to get married to have sex. You can find whatever sex you want just about anywhere. So why get married?

现在的人们并没有太大的不同。在那个年代,他们想做爱。男性和女性都意识到自己的欲望; 他们知道性是一切,他们没有两个世纪的消极思想告诉他们性总是“不好的”;但他们有一个严格的教会,他们全心全意地相信,告诉他们你需要结婚才能有可接受的性行为。在那个年代,订婚戒指是性交易;如果一个男人夺走了一个女孩的童贞,但没有娶她,至少她会有一些有价值的东西来弥补她失去的荣誉。他们用分期付款的方式买性服务。所以他们做爱,然后结婚,然后做爱,然后在需要的时候和挤奶女工或者勤杂工上床。今天,性很容易获得。你不需要等结婚后才能做爱。你可以在任何地方找到你想要的性爱。那么为什么要结婚呢?

In the old days, people NEEDED that “helpmate” as the Bible called the wife. The man simply couldn’t do everything because there was just too much to do. And like the birds and animals of the wild, he would build a nest that would be acceptable to a mate who would make it a “home”. Even in those days people remarked about the “eccentric” single man whose wife died and he didn’t remarry or who never took a wife and they would remark about his filthy hovel, because in those days, at the end of the day, the man was just too fucking tired to come home and start doing housework. No one has that problem anymore. We don’t NEED a helpmate.
And young people no longer have the means. They have (by and large) shitty jobs and huge college debts and live with mom and dad who themselves are barely hanging on by a string. Where is he going to take his new wife? To a shitty third floor walk up? Then what? They can live in poverty together? He doesn’t need to get married (nor her) to have a significant other, get laid and go to the movies.


The “utility” of marriage is diminishing every year. The main reason to get married is for the legal rights to care for each other and to be entitled legally to their estate, such as it is. They don’t even need to be married to pay for the kids - the State will try to ensure that one parent or the other pays through the nose for 18 years, marriage or not.
So what is the driving reason to get married now?
To me, the reason to get married is to have a best friend who will hold your hand when you get old and nod when I ask, “Remember when we…?”. The sex is going to diminish. Hopefully, we will both grow and change together and pool our assets so that in our dotage we aren’t eating dog food under the overpass.


    以上就是本篇文章【QA问答:为什么有这么多美国人35岁还没结婚?】的全部内容了,欢迎阅览 ! 文章地址:http://3jjewl.riyuangf.com/news/20567.html 
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